Trentingrana DOP

Although it falls with the area of the ‘Grana Padano’ DOP, the Grana produced in the province of Trento (particularly significant in the Val di Non area) can be distinguished from the others by the brand ‘Trentino’ that is clearly visible on the form. The milk from mountain areas (during the summer the pastures are at 7-800 metres) is used in its production, giving it a distinctive flavour that makes it stand out from other, similar products.

Organoleptic characteristics

Aspect and texture
hard, grainy, more or less intensely yellow paste depending on the length of ripening
harmonious, dry and intense with traces of grass when produced with the milk of open pasture grazing animals
Serving suggestions
full bodied, aged, red wines but also young, sparkling white wines. Fresh fruit (Kaiser pears), marrow chutney. Balsamic Modena vinegar, crusty bread.

Technical characteristics

skimmed, raw, cow’s milk
Production method
artisan and industrial
cooked, pressed
in brine
not less than 9 months
Production period
throughout the year
32% F-Dm
24-40 kg
35-45 cm diameter, h. 18-25 cm
Dairies belonging to the Trentino Grana Padano production and protection Consortium
Whole cheese code
Cutted cheese code

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