March 1, 2018

The Guffanti Protocol

What guidelines do we follow in our daily work at Guffanti? What parameters do we try to respect in the research, selection, care, breeding and proposal of a cheese? How do we choose the cheeses that we will raise in the cellars of Arona? Following a few but fundamental rules that we have experimented and implemented over time and that we have identified as THE GUFFANTI PROTOCOL.



The research, starting point for a “CHEESE BREEDING” to follow and accompany until the organoleptic maturity of the product, begins by following some parameters that the company has set:

  • raw milk from free-grazing animals fed without straining;
  • production techniques for which the manual skills and uniqueness of the single cheese is preferred;
  • the necessary time, without haste and hurry and without impositions, for the correct maturation and evolution of the cheese.



Some other convictions that are added to this, in order to guide us in our daily work:

  • an excellent cheese comes from an excellent milk
  • an excellent milk comes from healthy animals that feed themselves spontaneously
  • if the animals are healthy (and serene), they are happy
  • we want to spread the culture of the excellent COGULATED MILK, that means excellent CHEESE, because it has been produced by happy animals


Download the presentation of Guffanti Protocol:

Protocollo Guffanti (PDF)